Faulkner and Chapman created a relaxing sunken rear lawn area by retaining a large cut with a masonry retaining wall. This retaining wall was then further softened by the placement af Granite Boulders and planting. The lawn leads off a Pergola covered Patio paved with 'Cobb & Co' Pavers. Along the side boundary we have planted Cercis 'Forest Pansy with underplanting of Oak leaf hydranges and Renga Renga lilies. A side garden with views from a two-storey glass walled staircase has a central 'Urn' shaped waterfeature underplanted with Cycads, Liriopes and Ajuga. Privacay is provided by Bambusa 'Oldhamii'. We installed a Canary island date palm in the front yard with a 'Palmetto' Buffalo grass lawn beneath. The front garden consists of Agaves and other hardy plants. Dwarf Mondo grass is planted between in-situ concrete pavers to form an informal front path.